Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Awareness

Photos of Buckets for CVS Awareness Day 2016

Hello guys and girls,

We are hosting an awareness drive in which we will be asking people to take pictures of buckets.

We need name ideas for the photos with buckets challenge. The challenge will be part of CVS Awareness day on 5th March. We are hoping to get as many people from all around the world involved. 

If you are able to help me promote this event please let me know.

You can do anything you like with your bucket in the photos. You could do something funny with them, wear them, decorate them, snap a friend with them anything you like. We will be posting them in the run up to awareness day so we need a good catchy name for the challenge. I will then design some posters to promote the challenge which you can share all over the place to get others involved IE: schools, shops, churches, workplaces, friends & family etc. I hope you'll all join in and have a bit of fun in the process. 

Just submit your name ideas in the comments section below, this will run for 2 weeks and on 16th Dec we will narrow them down to about 6-8 names. After we narrow them down we can start a vote on the groups, pages and websites in order to decide the final name.

Other places name ideas are being posted are...

CVS Facebook Page

CVS Facebook Posters Page

CVS Facebook Group

Cyclic Vomiting Twitter